31 August 2010

Add Tweet Box to Blogger

Tweet Box is AnyWhere Application, which allows you to add a 140 chart Tweet Box onto your blog. This is truly a great tool to add to your Blogger blog and let your visitors to share your posts and links. You'll get more traffic and you will increase the popularity of your blog. Not to mention increasing the income from advertising.

Put this widget to your Blogger blog and expand your blogging network to Twitter to receive more traffic and spread the word about your blog on Twitter!

30 August 2010

Travelling Logbook Blogger Template

Coder ThemeCraft
Designer EZ WPthemes
Features: 2 Columns, Left Sidebars , Orange, Brown



22 August 2010

LinkWithin Widget (Related posts) for Blogger/Wordpres/Typepad.

Bloggers and readers always like related posts of articles they like. With this information and widget, our blog becomes more interesting and informational. And that way, we inrease the popularity of our blog and we can drive more traffic to it. Kaj pa če bi obstajala funkcija oz. widget, ki bi te objave poiskal samodejno ter jih predstavil s sliko? Seveda, to bi bilo super. In na srečo tak widget tudi obstaja. It's called LinkWithin. It work on many blogging services, such as Blogger, Wordpres, TypePad and some others. All you have to do is add this widget to your blog. It's free and easy to install. I wrote quick and simple guide how to do this!

Live Demo of this Widget

16 August 2010

Add Facebook Like button to your Blogger blog

Ever wanted to add Facebook Like or Recommend button to your blog? Now you can do this with folowing four simple steps!

With this button you can let readers and visitors of your to easily share your posts and content with their friends on Facebook. That can really boost your blog traffic and your blog popularity! Because the button is hosted by Facebook it will shows to all visitors, if they're subscribed or not. For the visitors that are signed to Facebook during reading your blog, the button will shows their friends that already liked your posts.

So....let's install this button in 4 simple steps!

15 August 2010

Add ‘Orkut Share’ button to your Blogger blog

Orkut has a new Share application. Ta aplikacija omogoča, da delite svoje blog prispevke s prijatelji in uporabniki na omrežju Orkut. In this post I will explain to you, how to add this cool Orkut Share button to your Blogger blog. Just follow few simple steps!